The pandemic closures and shutdowns impacted so many aspects of our lives. Kelsey’s Kaleidescope, Inc. was no different as we postponed our in-person event last year and held our comedy night last night via Zoom. Though it was “fun,” nothing can replace a night out with great friends and laughter.
On Friday, November 19th, friends and family dressed to impress and filled Auletto’s Caterers with support, generosity, and a sense of community our family cannot truly express in words.
Six years ago, we held our first event hoping it was a fun way to raise awareness and money for our favorite girl’s future. As we looked around the room on Friday evening, six years later, our hearts were filled with gratitude and hope. We have had some of the same faces for each of those six years. Your support and love do not go unnoticed and are always appreciated. To our new supporters, we appreciate you and thank you.
Dr. Chambers spoke about the current efforts in motion and our ultimate effort of curing our dada2 patients. Hope truly is in a petri dish at this time and hope will surround our Thanksgiving holiday because of the money we raised to continue funding our global efforts. We are one step closer to a cure because of Dr. Chambers and because of you.
Join us for a night of COMEDY and laughter. Save the Date for November 19, 2021, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM for our sixth annual Comedy for a Cure! Featuring a Comedy Line Up sure to keep you laughing!
Join us for a night of COMEDY and laughter. Save the Date for November 19, 2021, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM for our sixth annual Comedy for a Cure! Featuring a Comedy Line Up sure to keep you laughing!
Join us for a night of COMEDY and laughter. Save the Date for November 19, 2021, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM for our sixth annual Comedy for a Cure! Featuring a Comedy Line Up sure to keep you laughing!
A lifelong dream of Kelsey’s mother and advocate has been to write a children’s book. Her dreams have turned into reality with the support of the president of Kelsey’s Kaleidoscope, Inc., Mary, and the artistic talents of Krystal Almora.
Please consider supporting Kelsey’s Kaliedoscope, Inc. with the purchase of José Saves the Day. The story is one of understanding and acceptance of an allergy injection for children who endure life-threatening allergies. A Halloween setting makes this the perfect addition to your library this fall.
To all who face life-threatening allergies, stay brave.
Love is patient. Love is kind… The words that ring true fourteen years later today. Love is all of those things and more. Love is truly remarkable when you think about it. The feeling you have to know that you have a partner that loves you unconditionally for better or worse.
Each day, we are grateful for each other.
Marriage is hard and challenging. When you find the one we feel fortunate to know that we have, we want to embrace it and share it. Sometimes, we need to walk away.
Whatever the case, we love and work through it.
We danced the tango and started our entry into married life with that dance in 2007. We have been dancing together ever since.
We could not have dreamed of the children we would have, how quickly they would grow, and how the pandemic would bring us all closer together.
We differ(ed) in opinion and comfort, but we managed to listen and grow.
We lost a loved one, and we needed to support each other and our family through this loss. You hear about this and read about it but cannot explain it or understand it until you live it.
We laughed, and we cried. We were grateful for the blessings we have.
We hope. We hope that you have someone in your life who sets your heart on fire, sees you at your best and feels proud, and comforts you at your worst.
To love, to marriage, and the happy pursuit of finding yours.
The Olympics close, and school will soon be here. Where has the summer gone, we wonder? While the warm air still surrounds us, the fall winds will soon be in front of us. We look ahead, and we worry.
We worry about the next few months. We worry about vaccinations, health, and masks. We worry about Kelsey’s health and the challenges the next few months could bring. We worry about changes for our son and how we will face them.
With all the worry, this week, we looked closely at the worry surrounding us and found something else more powerful, wonder. We worry, yet we wonder and notice that wonder surrounded us often.
We wonder how our world is in this state. We wonder how the pandemic surges on in a manner potentially worse as we face another school year. We wonder how we will do it. We wonder how our kids will do and how they will thrive.
We realize that we will be resilient, and we will make it through stronger once again.
Kelsey wondered about creating a new game. We worked on a few different trials, and eventually, she made a fun game with patterns, multiplication, and dice. In her spare time,
Kelsey also started writing a book called “Adventure Awaits” to capture her imagination and the bright future she dreams of in the days ahead.
Kelsey continues to sing and write songs about the summer, her joys, and her fears.
We wonder how our worry turns into wonder when we look around to find it.
Watching the Olympics is really something. You go through a set of sports and you watch athletes push to their limits and change their position. To see people who show off their skills and what they can do at such a young age is just amazing.
When you watch the Olympics, you think, “one day I want to be like that.” For example, when I was watching swimming, Bobby Finke was in fifth place. Like a rocket in two races, 800 meters, and 1500 meters, he took first place in the final 50 meters (which is the last lap). That inspires me. That was amazing. Fight hard like Finke…
The Olympics makes me feel like, in life, sometimes you have a bad day. But that day can turn into a great week, even the best week of your life.
Take Simone Biles. She chose herself instead of the Olympics or a medal. What courage. And then she got back up on the beam and won a bronze medal. Think about what that medal must mean to her and how she felt standing there on the podium. Suni Lee, Jade Carey, and all of those women who crushed it. They are awesome.
They amaze me.
That tells me that everyone who is not 100% can be 100% tomorrow or in the generation of tomorrow. This is why I think the Olympics are a great competition to watch. Be amazing at whatever you do today.