$120 per ticket Purchase tickets here: LINK
Venmo – @NewViewforPAN
A New View for PAN
We hope to see you there!
Venmo – @NewViewforPAN
The center was full, the energy was electric, and the crowd was amazing. Kelsey’s birthday week concluded with an amazing night and experience.
First, she danced with Wingston:
Next, she played on the field at halftime with her teammates and friends. @KingswayYouthLacrosse
Surrounded by family and friends, we thank you. Here’s to 2023. We hope the best is yet to come.
Thank you for all who support our girl.
Each year’s end brings a certain sense of sadness, hope, and reflection. It is always the hope we find ourselves clinging to at this time. It’s the start of something new. A fresh start has a large draw and appeal.
This year has had its ups and downs like any other. However, our collective family ups have been exciting to watch and to wonder about what will be next for us.
Community and a sense of love have driven us here on December 31. We held our two largest and most successful fundraisers with our 3rd annual golf outing and our 7th annual November gala. This year’s title was Magic for Medicine. Medicine can be magical when it works and dreadful when it does not.
This year, we watched a close friend beat cancer in her 30s. Strength, love, and the right medicine worked for her, and watching her work through cancer was remarkable to witness. Not everyone is that lucky. We also watched a child pass away before the age of two creating a devastating feeling to start December.
Support gets us through and helps us to persevere. This year, we have more family surrounding us and more friends who feel like family with their generosity and kindness. We see you and we are grateful beyond measure for you.
Whether the New Year’s start is hopeful or remorseful, in a few hours, hit the reset button and make it the best year possible.
Reflecting with Kelsey today, Kelsey’s mom was struck once more by her positivity and ability to always have just the right answer. Her mom said, “In case I forget to tell you before the night ends, I am so proud of you and all that you have done in 2022. Keep shining.”
Kelsey turned to her mom and said, “I shine because of you, and I am proud of you.”
Keep shining.
Here’s to hope, health, and love in 2023. #newviewforpan
The loss of a loved one impacts everyone. The loss of a child is a void that is unimaginable. A tragedy struck a child we know and the weight this brings is a heavy.
A rush to the hospital to return home without your child…a loss no parent should face. We mourn and send strength to the family. We pray for answers and peace in the days ahead.
The family is surrounded with love, but their loss will remain forever in their hearts.
With the holidays ahead, hold your loved ones close. For those with sorrow and grief, we see you and lift you up in our thoughts.
May love and hope find you this holiday season.
Join us on January 27, 2023, for a Philadelphia Wings home game to support Kelsey’s Kaleidescope, Inc. Tickets are $45 per ticket. We look forward to seeing you there.
The halftime show will feature our Kingsway Youth Lacrosse players. Wear your team jersey and show your pride!
Tickets can be purchased through Kelsey’s family members by cash or check, Venmo, or PayPal :
Venmo – @NewViewforPAN
The truth is, blessings surround us. After two months of frustration and insurance battles, our medicine arrived. We are settled in a routine and we are surrounded by love.
With all of the medicine our doctors have trialed and all of their challenges, this one has kept Kelsey the healthiest and happiest to date.
With the right medicine, Kelsey appears to be sunshine on a rainy day. Her positive light shines wherever she goes.
Her size and stature have grown in a way you may not comprehend if you knew her when…
No one could find the words to heal
No one could identify the cause of concern
No one could tell us why the strokes happened
No one knew if she would walk
No one knew if her legs could hear the weight
No one knew why her gait was off
No one knew where to go next
No one knew how school would look
No one knew if sports were an option
We honor her scars
We fight for Kelsey and advocate for others
We celebrate her hard work in school and every grade she earns
We champion every game she plays
We are proud beyond measure for everything she does
We dream of her future and a cure
Your support and generosity have helped us celebrate, champion, and fight. Join us on 11.18.22 to learn more and help us achieve our goal of awareness and finding a cure.
Guest post – We send strength and love to Aiden.
Aiden and I have been admitted to CHLA since May 15. His BMT was scheduled for June 6th. But was postponed due to Aiden having high fevers and testing positive for Rhino-virus. He had a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. This was the last step we needed to move forward with his BMT. But they found a lesion inside Aiden’s right upper lung. This was totally UNEXPECTED. He was on antibiotics and IV fluid for several weeks. He had many tests and procedures done to find the reason for this new infection. He had an NG tube placed to collect fluid from his stomach for possible TB and fungal infections.
More lab work to rule out possible valley fever. He was in isolation for 6 weeks. Unable to keep food down or liquid he got so weak he wasn’t able to walk. During this long stay, Aiden has been in and out of the PICU. His breathing continued getting worse. Aiden was working so hard to keep his oxygen level stable. At one point, he was on high-flow oxygen therapy, CPAP, and intubated for support. Finally, after 3 months we found out what was in his right upper lung. Liquid from having paralyzed vocal cords. Occupational therapy suggested we put him on a dysphagia diet to help him slow down his liquid intake.
Until the beginning of September, Aiden’s oxygen dropped into the ’50s. He was rushed back to the PICU. Now waiting for a Trach to help him breathe on his own and off of the machine. Being parents to a child with a compromised immune system and a genetic disorder is very difficult. Even harder with bilateral vocal cord paralysis. It’s definitely not easy to stay positive when your child feels ill. We continue to pray for him and his health. I know God has a plan for our son Aiden
Dream Big! We wish everyone a happy and healthy school year. Be brave and follow your dreams!