Mask Up! Support Kelsey’s Kaleidoscope, Inc. It’s a win-win!
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A New View for PAN
Mask Up! Support Kelsey’s Kaleidoscope, Inc. It’s a win-win!
Click here to order yours now!
“It’s been 5 months since COVID started and it is not exciting. I am thinking about school. It is stressful and some people aren’t even going to school. What makes it stressful is that if someone goes back to school, they have to wear a mask. Then what about kids like me? Will the kids like me that stay home learn as much? I want to learn a lot. I hope we all learn a lot.
If you think about it, the normal routine or the same routine would be nice. Should we all do the remote learning that we have been doing?
I feel like when COVID is over, everyone is going to get in their cars and go to the mall or movies. I wish that could happen soon. Now and forever, I pray that everyone in the world is ok and that they are all ok at the end of COVID.”
Kelsey, age 9. #bebrave
Cancelled. More often than not, we hear cancelled in 2020.
Birthday parties. Fundraisers. Milestone life events.
Positive vibes surrounded us when a virtual party came our way to support our cause.
If you need some Tastefully Simple items, please shop away.
We are grateful for the support and generosity!
#BeBrave #MaskUp
When the MLB had its first outbreak close to our home, we felt nervous and worried about how safeguards in place allowed for the entry of positive COVID tests.
When house parties of over 700 guests occurred, we wondered how long it would take to move closer to us.
When face masks are mandated for school, we worry this is far from over.
Then a close relative received a positive diagnosis. Our prayers remain as recovery from COVID now requires hospitalization. Family members await tests and await the days of quarantine hopeful that positive is not a word they hear soon.
Positive is news we need. Positive is what we have to stay, however.
Decisions require careful thought and consideration at every turn.
We safeguard as much as we can but until the reality hits near your home, does it feel real? We struggle to make sense of it all and worry that an unexpected surge will soon lead us further apart.
Be brave and mask up.