Weekends with two young children can best be described as a constant scheduling conflict. Kelsey has lacked interested in group sports until this season, and to our delight, she has started basketball. Her confidence has soared and her friendships on the team have started to blossom.
The first few weekends were full of joy and smiles when she made a bucket or missed. There was always a chance to rebound.
Last weekend, a parent even came over from the opposing team to say he could watch our daughter play all day. “She is always smiling. She really loves it out there,” he noticed. We noticed, too.
This weekend, when a slow pace ensued and a lack of interest was displayed, it was our first sign that something was happening below the surface.
A two hour nap followed this forty minute game and our alarms were on high alert.
We check in with our doctors to forge a positive plan. A restful day is hers and a great night of sleep is had.
After sleeping in until 8, she wakes and laughs with her family. Then she turns to say she would like to take a nap at 9. “Is that okay?” she asks because she knows that it is always okay to listen to her body, but she also knows that it is another signal.
Is that okay? We pray it will be.