Kelsey is a warrior. As the pandemic isolated us, The Wicked Warriors of EG noticed the efforts of Kelsey’s Kaleidoscpe, Inc.
This weekend, the sun was shining with a chill in the air on the eve of Kelsey’s birthday. Sirens led by the local police department sounded and a sea of cars and purple balloons were soon visible outside of Kelsey’s home. Kelsey radiated with pride and happiness as the parade began. Her family and president, Mary Wagner, were truly overwhelmed. We have been so lucky to have the support of so many. Seeing support drive past our driveway was truly a moment that will not be forgotten.

Following the parade, the Wicked Warriors of EG presented Kelsey’s Kaleidoscope, Inc.: A New View for PAN with a generous donation for our organization. This money was raised over the past year through many fundraising efforts. COVID19 closures did not stop the spirit of the organization and their dedication to the community.
Again, the family and Kelsey were overwhelmed with love and support.
“The strength of a warrior, the power of a community!” Thank you, Warriors!

Stay brave and strong.