Kelsey Hates the Needle was published and is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Book signings were held in Chicago, IL, and Deptford, NJ this summer to launch the book.

Brave Day

A New View for PAN
Kelsey Hates the Needle was published and is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Book signings were held in Chicago, IL, and Deptford, NJ this summer to launch the book.
Brave Day
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year ❤️
This is how we braved:
Click here to read’s story on Brave Day in support of Kelsey!
Thank you for your love and support!
Easter 2014 went from an Egg Hunt to the hospital. Kelsey and her mom drove to admit Kelsey because she could not walk. As Kelsey slept off some pain, her mom cried for the unknown. Then, a new artist shared her new song. @RachelPlatten shared the story of her fight and Kelsey’s mom went from sadness to hope. A powerful song can do just that…
A 2019 Thanksgiving family talent show had many displays of talent. Kelsey selected Fight Song and the words speak volumes. Though her voice was faint due to respiratory struggles and croup in the preceding days, the message is clear.
Thanksgiving followed our gala this year for the first time in four years. Traditionally, Thanksgiving is spent preparing for and readying our minds for the gala.
This year, Thanksgiving was spent with reflection and warmth. We traveled a distance to be with relatives and newcomers. It was a day where all were welcome. We had a newborn, an old-timer, and a refugee Kindergarten child.
This child struck a particular chord with our family. Kelsey prepped for weeks with items she wanted to give this young woman. However, no amount of preparation could prepare us for the reaction she had to Kelsey’s generosity.
A language barrier existed until Elsa came out of the bag. A crown was placed and the twirling began. Princess, we found, is a universal language.
Each bow, dress, clip, and doll were met with a smile. The child was beaming with happiness and the mother’s emotion was hard to contain.
‘Tis the season of giving and sharing, whether it is time, money, or gratitude. Kelsey saw clearly how to satisfy another’s need. We are grateful for the lessons she teaches us daily.
Some lessons come when least expected.