
The summer sun warms my heart and gives me enormous hope.  There is laughter, water games, and trips to the park.  

The lingering hours of sunlight also remind me to count my blessings.  These blessings exist in kind messages, warm smiles, and the generosity friends and family members have shown.  I am realizing how tremendous my support system is both near and far.  This week, I have reconnected with friends, received kind messages, and felt an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.

My husband has also been an incredible source of support.  He is truly my rock.  Whether I need to laugh, cry, or say nothing at all, he always knows how to let me be.  My strength often grows with his presence.  

Then there is my mother who makes it her daily mission to make sure that I am okay and doing what I need to do for myself.  Sometimes I don’t want to respond to her because I’d prefer not to deal with the truth.  My mom always has a way of getting the best out of me, though, as only a mother can.  A mother’s intuition is one of the strongest forces on the planet if you ask me.

The National Institutes of Health are also on my mind.  My family’s recent visit there fell on my birthday.  It was fitting in a way because the work done there is a gift. although it is a present you hope not to need.   I often leave with more questions than answers, but I know that doctors and researchers there are always on a quest to answer the unknown.   It can be a lot to process while you visit the facility and talk with so many brilliant minds.  The conversations can be heavy, but I appreciate the level of care they provide.  

This morning’s intense sunshine reminds me of today’s appointment.  The intensity will come sans sun in an air conditioned room as I will learn the results of my own genetic testing.  Like so many recent appointments for my daughter, I will likely leave with some answers and many more questions.  Whatever the results, I will leave with my support in place and the summer sun following me home.

I may need a bit more warmth today than usual.

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