
Today’s words come from a community that values character and recognized Kelsey for displaying perseverance.  Her teacher’s touching words speak volumes.  Below are the words that were shared about Kelsey and her exemplary character.

“Perseverance (noun), continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. When asked what perseverance meant to Kelsey, she stated, “When you try and try even though it doesn’t go your way!” I couldn’t agree more. Kelsey is a perfect example of a student who demonstrates perseverance inside and outside of the classroom.

As she enters the classroom each day with a smile as bright as the sun, and a readiness to learn, you’d never know, but Kelsey fights a rare autoimmune disease called PAN.  PAN is a rare a potentially fatal disease that affects small and medium arteries causing injury to organs and unfortunately, does not have a cure at this time.

Despite difficult days, physically, mentally, and emotionally, Kelsey never gives up. When a challenge arises in the classroom, Kelsey faces it with confidence, patience, persistence, perseverance, and determination.

She is a thoughtful friend and wonderful role model for her peers. She goes out of her way to encourage others, and shows outstanding leadership skills in the classroom.

Kelsey is always willing to lend a helping hand.  Kelsey, I cannot think of someone who could be more deserving of this award than you.  You’re too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated. You are one of the most courageous young ladies I’ve ever met. Never give up!  It is my honor to nominate you, Kelsey, for the trait of perseverance.”

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