Guest Post – Warrior Jules


Day 19 for Jules and another sleepless night. However, the strength and bravery she continues to disaply is inspiring.

Julia, Day 19, 4/26/21

“Life is so short and it is so unexpected.

Remember to love the ones who love you and for the ones who don’t love them too ..they need it most.

This life is so precious and it is meant to be celebrated. It’s not meant to be lived miserably or fast.

Love the life you live and if there’s something you don’t love about it…change it. Never again will I take this life, these people, or these moments for granted. It’s hard right now but this is truly the good life.

We are all so lucky to have received the gift of life and even though it’s hard for me right now it is only temporary.

So after this hospital, I will appreciate life more I’ll live for the good parts and breeze through the bad parts for I now know things could always be worse. God chose me to get two shots at life I will not disappoint him. So today do something that makes your soul happy and retire from anything that does not because most of us only get one life.

One shot and one chance to do everything that makes us happy don’t take advantage of that. Life is beautiful it may not always be perfect but it is what you make of it so do your best to make it a good one.

Never stop being a good person full of good vibes even when the world gives you a million reasons not to be. Have a good day everyone if no one told you yet today

I love you and you are important.”

Keep fighting Jules. You are important and we love you.

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