Whirlwind Week Ahead

When it rains, it pours!

The week of celebrating Kelsey Hates the Needle and our quest to raise awareness and support for all children who suffer from illnesses requiring injections and those who suffer as does Kelsey begins on Tuesday!  We will take on the Windy City with a news spot Tuesday morning and a Wednesday book signing at Chicago’s Webster Street Barnes & Noble of Kelsey Hates the Needle .   One lucky winner who purchases a book that day will win a gift certificate to a Chicago steakhouse and tickets to a Cubs game!

From there, we return to our previously scheduled engagement on Thursday, August 8.  Our president and author of Kelsey Hates the Needle and illustrator, Krystal Almora, will host a book signing at Barnes & Noble in Deptford, NJ at 10:30 AM. @krystalalmora

One lucky winner who purchases a book that day will win a Golden Ticket.  This golden ticket will win 4 tickets to the Phillies vs. Cubs game of their choice on August 13, 14, or 15.

Meet the author and illustrator, enjoy Story Hour with your family, and win tickets to the Phillies vs. Cubs all while supporting our non-profit Wednesday in Chicago and Thursday in NJ.


Thank you to all who support our efforts and our girl.

Almora Generosity – Lurie Children’s Hospital

Chicago Cub, @cubs, Albert Almora, Jr. @albertalmorajr  and wife, Krystal Almora @krystalalmora, recently visited the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago  to spread joy and kindness to children in the hospital.   In addition to a visit from an incredible athlete and beautiful illustrator, the Almora family was on a generous mission.  Krystal and Albert donated copies of Kelsey Hates the Needle to patients with a dual purpose.  The family wanted to raise awareness and help children find comfort while receiving medical injections or having lab work drawn during their stay in the hospital.

Krystal and Albert want to help children all over the world find comfort in the words of the story.   We are grateful to have so much support from the Almora family to raise awareness and help children who face challenges and raise illnesses around the globe.

@kelseys_kaleidoscope #chasingthecure #newviewforpan #kelseyhatestheneedle

Author @marywagner252730 Illustrator @krystalalmora