
As parents, we have moments of great pride when our children succeed. The past week has been an exciting one for Kelsey’s brother. He attended his first “graduation” of sorts, won accolades, received and signed a yearbook, and dealt with conflict. His hard work, effort, and dedication in an uncertain year have been commendable. His academic achievements have amazed us during his time in elementary school and showcased the start of a bright future ahead.

However, his ability to learn by example and work through challenges has been something we are all proud of him for this year. He has learned life’s hard lesson that it will not always be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. He has learned how to be brave. He has learned that grief hits you hard at times, and it is a process. He has learned that hard work takes you far. He has learned that hard work is not always popular. He has learned that we believe in him. He has learned to believe in himself. He has learned that we are proud of him every day. He has learned that expressing himself can be difficult, but it is important.

The 2020-2021 school year has left its mark on many. For Kelsey’s brother, it was a year of growth, maturity, and resilience. A new chapter soon begins for him, and we are beyond proud of him.

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