In a field… part 2

Artistic talent and creativity are two gifts I admire.  When those two gifts are combined with thoughtfulness and kindness, the possibilities are endless.

A caring colleague saw Kelsey’s take on the phrase that matches her spirit animal, Uni, last week: in a field of horses, be a unicorn.

She took it upon herself to create the above image for Kelsey.  I was beyond touched by the gesture and the beautiful image that now captures Kelsey’s new catchphrase.

Kind and caring individuals surround us every day.  I am grateful to work in such dedicated and sweet community.

Thank you for depicting Kelsey’s image, inspiring her artistic talents, and reminding her that prayers and thoughts extend beyond her imagination and her dreams.

We  will frame this and hang in a location of Kelsey’s choice.

Kindness…pass it on…

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